Jon Stockill writes:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Erik Hofman wrote:
> > It would be nice if somebody could step up (Curtis?) to get this data
> > into the next scenery build.
> Well I'm just clearing some disk space at the moment, unless someone says
> otherwise I'll just run:
> arrayfit --minnodes=50 --maxnodes=600 --maxerror=50 --input=$file
> on all the .arr data as terra doesn't seem to want to compile.


What errors are you getting from the Terra build ??

What OS are you running ?

AFAICT we want to use the Python script which if caled with no arguments
should print some help  i.e. 

$ python src/Prep/TerraFit/

Usage: src/Prep/TerraFit/
         -h | --help
         -m | --minnodes 50
         -x | --maxnodes 600
         -e | --maxerror 50
         -f | --factor 0.033333
         -v | --version
         [file] | [path to walk]

Algorithm will produce at least 50 fitted nodes, but no
more than 600.  Within that range, the algorithm will stop
if the maximum elevation error for any remaining point
drops below 50 meters.

Increasing the maxnodes value and/or decreasing maxerror
will produce a better surface approximation.

The input file must be a .arr.gz file such as that produced
by demchop or hgtchop utils.

**** NOTE ****:
If a directory is input all .arr files in directory will be
processed recursively.

The output file(s) is called .fit.gz and is simply a list of
from the resulting fitted surface nodes.  The user of the
.fit file will need to retriangulate the surface.

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