Norman Vine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Awesome view of Hurricane Isabel just touching the East Coast 
> of the US
> This evening the outer fringes of the storm were overhead here 
> on Cape Cod 42.3N 71.7W  and was as spectacular a sunset as I 
> have ever seen. note center of storm was at 31.1N  73.3W  
> Thank goodness that the top was blown off of this storm and it is 
> no where as powerful as it once was.

Nice photos.  I was looking at wc130 hunter articles and came up with a couple:,0,2496337.story?coll=bal-home-headlines

And this page has a couple of eyewall photos:

I read somewhere that Isabel's three days at category 5 levels is one of the
longest on record and it afforded several people the "opportunity" to fly into
a category 5.  

That got me thinking that it would very interesting and unusual to build a
simulation of a hunter flight. :-)



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