Jim Wilson wrote:
"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Matevz Jekovec writes:
Has anyone already tried to make the inside canopy reflections in the 
cockpit? I had in mind an effect similar to Falcon 4 - an image with a 
reserved colour or an alpha channel for transperency as a texture for 
the glass, when looking from inside. This should also include proper 
light effects at night etc.

A nice screenshot can be seen here:

Something like that could be be done as part of the 3d model with a
bit of effort.  If you wanted to reflection to be "live" and reflect
the changing state of the 3d cockpit objects (instruments, control
stick, etc.) then that would probably take some more "doing". :-)

Is that reflection in Falcon 4 fixed?  There's not much of the cockpit
showing,  but it still seems that the reflection doesn't match the cockpit all
that well.
Nah, that reflection was the old one (probably, the original Microprose one) and the 3d cockpit was a bit newer, so there are differences noticable. The screenshot is also 3 years old, so many has probably changed since then. But Falcon was a closed source project, killed by Infogrammes/Hasbro. As we didn't have any rights to continue the developement on the leaked exe, we had do abandon the project ;(.

That screenshot doesn't look all that good to me.  How does it seem when you
are flying as compared to our p51d that does have colored glass?
I'll take a look.

- Matevz
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