David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Martin Spott writes:
>  > O.k., I'll try tomorrow. I'm curious why it didn't get triggered today.
>  > BTW, for those who never flew a heli: If you chose to stand outside
>  > then take a position on the left behind the helicopter. This makes the
>  > first steps lots easier,
> There are still some problems we need to work out.  For example, if
> you set the wind to 0 and turn off the engine, the helicopter still
> slides backwards and turns -- we'll have to figure out why there are
> forces acting on it.  To test:
>   fgfs --aircraft=bo105 [EMAIL PROTECTED] --prop:/controls/engines/engine/magnetos=0
> This does not happen with fixed-wing JSBSim models.

In YASim a lot of this seems to have to do with weight distribution and gear
location.  In real life terms that sounds weird but it does make a little bit
of sense.  I've noticed if the CG is too far forward it'll creep forward,  to
far back and it'll creep backward.  It's probably related to the gear
compression code.



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