* Richard Hornby -- Wednesday 05 November 2003 21:32:
> 2    The sg_geodesy file from CVS (downloaded now three times and updated
> twice) is version 1.3 dated 2003/06/03.

That's also my version.

> 3    I googled 'sgGeodToGeoc' and one of the references is to the Doxygen
> documentation on simgear.org.  According to this, the file is v1.7 dated
> 2003/10/22.  It is very different.  I don't know how to download it.

I don't know either, and I very much doubt this file version and date.

> There have been a number of emails regarding various build problems
> apparently caused by SimGear - is it now time for someone to check out the
> pserver is performing properly?

Let's do a different trick first: I've packed all my (working!) SimGear
directory into an archive and put it on my HP. It also contains the
CVS files, so that you can make a "cvs up" from there without having
to download everything again.

  http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a8603365/sg.tar.gz  (784 kB)


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