Lee Elliott wrote:
> ODBC would be better than making it DB specific.  Msql has it's pros &
> cons.

Not to be too much of a curmudgeon*, but let me point out that full
double precision positions and orientations for every aircraft in the
air at one time** over the planet earth would fit easily in RAM on the
Macintosh IIcx*** that my roommate bought in college. :)

Are you guys sure a SQL database isn't overkill?  Similar arguments
were made by David a while back regarding the use of metakit for the
navaid database.  These days, a dataset needs to be truly gargantuan
to justify putting it in a fancy persistent store.  Most of the time
the trivial "load it all up at startup and use it until shutdown"
metaphor is simpler and faster.


* Well, OK, being a huge curmudgeon.

** Maybe a hundred thousand, based on a vague memory that there were
   20k aircraft in the air over North America that had to land at once
   on the morning of 9/11.

*** He splurged and bought an 8MB machine.  My PC had only two, sigh.

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