I had a similar problem about 1 month ago when I checked out a clean copy of 
FG and SimGear and compiled it.
My system would keep locking up within 30 seconds whereas the 0.9.3 release 
runs just fine.

My problem was that the nVidia drivers for the TNT2 are not so hot under Linux 
and I sorted the problem out by popping in a Ti4200 (same video driver and 
same system). A certain sequence of OpenGL calls would cause the drivers to 
"go south" with the TNT2.

It was a video diver issue but it was definitely triggered by a change in 


On Saturday, 27 December 2003 17:38, Lee Elliott wrote:
> I've been having a few problems, and not just with FG, since fitting a new
> ATI 9200 vid card but just recently I've found that I can't run FG at
> night-time at all.
> This wasn't originally the case when I first fitted the card - it's
> happened since, either as a result of system upgrades (Debian Unstable)
> or due to changes in FG or it's supporting packages i.e. plib or SimGear.
> I've tried both versions of the ATI drivers that I have - 3.2.5 & 3.2.8 -
> but the problem occurrs with both of them, but as I said, when I
> originally fitted the card this problem didn't happen - Heh! I have the
> screen grabs to prove it.
> Is anyone aware of any recent changes to FG, over the last month or so,
> that might be causing this?
> What happens now is that if I start FG with the sim time in darkness, FG
> runs for about 2-3 seconds before the display hangs.  The mouse still
> works and I can ssh into the box from another system, where I can see X
> thrashing, but I'm not able to either restart X or even shutdown cleanly.
> Any attempt to do so results in a complete system lock-up.
> The mis-behaviour after the problem has occurred i.e. the inability to
> close X or cleanly shutdown, is definitely down to ATI's drivers but I'm
> wondering what's causing them to flip-out in the first place.  The
> drivers were originally ok with FG and the problems with other packages
> don't appear to have changed, which rather points at changes in FG.
> LeeE
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