Pablo J. Rogina writes:
> I was following the FG evolution since a long time, and I´m now willing to
> to get involved to Flightgear. I think is quite a project where I´m to be
> able to merge two of my hobbies: aviation and computing.
> In order to contribute, I've selected to provide FG with the ability to
> read/write IGC files, a format developed by the International Gliding
> Commission used mainly in flight recorders aboard sailplanes in order to
> register the flight during a tournament.
> I´ve posted the same goal back in August 2002, but several personal
> considerations made me unable to write the appropiate code. Now I'm released
> from some obligatons, and hope to have enough time to indeed complete this
> feature.
> I think allowing FG to read/write IGC files could provide some new
> capabilities, to mention a few:
> * Replay actual flights recorded with real flightrecorders: this will allow
> pilots to review their flights from within FG, being able to watch to the
> environment, the instruments, etc. that somehow could be missed to them
> during the actual flight (as they´re busy trying to do their best flight)
> * Record a simulated flight in whatever plane used in FG and then visualize
> that flight in 3D through several available commercial and also open source
> software (KFlog or GPLIGC
>  This add a new
> dimension (altitude) over plotting the course over a map (using for example
> Atlas).
> * For flightrecorder manufacters, could allow using FG as a simulation
> engine to test their recorders
> If you think the proposal is acceptable, I´ll start to work on it. Any
> project leader/developer who I have to report to?
> Thanks in advance for your attention.
> Pablo J. Rogina

Hi Pablo,

This sounds interesting and useful.  Feel free to email me about it
offline, but it sounds like you just need to add a protocal module in
$fgfs/src/Network/ (this is maybe growing into a slight misnomer, but
that is where you'd want to put it.)


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program               FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at'             curt 'at'

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