I've been watching this thread with some interest. May I say how impressed I
am with all that has been achieved so far.

FWIW I thought I describe my experience of modelling a 3d aircraft. At the
outset I used the nose as the origin of both the model and the FDM (YASIM in
this case). The 3d model appeared to move around the nose in flight -
clearly wrong. I followed Lee's example and moved the 3d model's origin to
the CofG (derived from the YASIM calculations). The 3D model now looks right
in flight. 

I note that Jim Wilson in his P51 model has used the nose as the origin, but
has had to adjust all the views to the CofG in the 'p51d-YASIM-set' file so
that the model appears to manoeuvre correctly.

Either approach seems to work. Neither allows for the any change in the
CofG, but since this is small in comparison to the scale of the model this
does not really affect the appearance in flight. You pays yer money and
takes yer choice. But you have to do one or the other to make it look right
- using the nose as the origin and not adjusting the standard views looks

I'm now going to follow Innes and retire into my bunker.

Vivian Meazza
(despite the name - English)

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