> >Unless it's different from the downloaddable version, it does _not_
> >include any kind of RAD tool.
> >
> >g.
> You are probably thinking of the free Borland C++ 5.5 compiler. The
> link I provided refers to the Personal Edition of C++BuilderX.  They
> are different products. Borland C++BuilderX does not exist outside the
> IDE.  I do believe this *is* a RAD tool that is available for
> download, or I misread the web page.  Has anyone tried this?

I've had BuilderX installed for a couple of months.  Unless it's _really_
well hidden, there is no RAD tool attached to it.  It's just a fancy
cross-platform IDE.  It is my understanding that you have to cough up
serious $$$ to get the RAD functionality.

Just to make sure we're both on the same "RAD" page, C++ Builder is a RAD
tool, Delphi is a RAD tool.  VB.Net is a RAD tool.  C++ BuilderX Personal
is _not_ a RAD tool.


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