
"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Update of /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/data/Aircraft/Hunter/Models
> In directory baron:/tmp/cvs-serv1093

> Added Files:
>       pilots-notes.txt 
> Log Message:
> Missed one important file.

> The following additional keyboard controls have been implemented:
> F/f: canopy open/close
> CTRL F: emergency flap lowering. Operation of this control gives a
> once-only lowering of the flaps to maximum. It disables the normal flap
> extension, and cannot be reversed.
> CTRL B: toggle speed brake is implemented, and is interlocked with
> the undercarriage so that it cannot be extended while the latter is
> down. The reverse is not true (yet). There are 2 warning lights on the
> port instrument panel indicating the interaction of these 2 items.

It would be nice if you would get these keyboard controls 'harmonized'.
Lee Elliot uses the parking brake to toggle opening/closing of the
canopy (and to fold the wings on the seahawk) and some aircraft (like
the YF-23) use k/j to toggle the speed brake. I know that everyone
agrees on using the Ctrl-key combinations for aircraft specific
controls but it would be nice if similar controls would use the same

If I'm allowed to make a proposal then I'd suggest using F/f on all
aircraft (that support it) for the canopy and probably on k/j for the
speed brake - or sort of that ....

Anyway: Thanks for this very nice addition to the FlightGear hangar,

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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