
Every once and a while I update my cvs checkout.  I have begun to notice 
that a "cvs update -d -P" does not merge my modified file with the checked 
out file.  A conflict is not reported because the cvs update only presents 
an M. ie:
cvs update: Updating .
M fg_commands.cxx
M fg_init.cxx
M fg_props.cxx
M fg_props.hxx
M globals.cxx
M globals.hxx
M main.cxx
M main.hxx
M options.cxx

An "ls -al" does not contain any hidden files but when I run "cvs diff" 
many differences are reported that do not occur in my version of the code.
What is the proper method for merging the main branch with my changes?  

At one point I deleted some hidden files of the form ".#*" which must be the 
root of my problem.  Is there any way to fix the mess i have created 
without getting a new cvs copy and manually adding all of my code back in?



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