On Tuesday 24 February 2004 20:44, Erik Hofman wrote:

> It is supported for airports that have ATC (sorry no AI traffic at
> EHLE). But indeed Eelde has ATC support and therefore can handle ATC
> traffic at the moment.

Cool! Wasn't Lelystad supposed to get ATC "real soon" about two years ago? I 
haven't been there since returning home last December, so I don't know what 
the situation is. 

> I have followed an AI Cessna once but I lost in when it literally flew
> through a mountain, so I guess it is distance limited.

Hmm, I see. So that's a little too much emhasis on the A and a bit too less on 
the I part in AI, I guess :-). [Ironically, this reminds me that IIRC, one of 
the original design goals of FlightGear (in 1996-1997 or so) was to develop a 
realistic ATC subsystem that does take terrain elevation into account and not 
direct planes into mountains. ;-) Anyways, I'm just kidding. Nothing but 
compliments here. This is hard stuff to impliment.]

Seriously though, so I understand that AI planes take-off and depart to 
undefined destinations or do they return? I couldn't really figure this out 
based on the code? Maybe I should follow a chessna taking off from Eelde, was 
there's not much chance of one of those crashing into a mountain. :-)

> Robin Peel already has air corridors (airways) data for X-Plane which
> probably could be used by FlightGear as well. I think it is DAFIF(T)
> based so we can generate them ourselves also.

That's interesting. I was always curious whether an airways database for 
flightgear existed or not. It would be an interesting exersize to plot these 
in Atlas, as this would be a good start to generate flight plans. 

> > Unfortunately, I don't think we'd be able to use any of the project AI
> > material, because their licence is pretty strictly freeware, and thus not
> > compatible with the GPL.
> It might be worth a shot to convince them to use GPL (or less
> restrictive) instead.

Yes definitely. I might give it a shot and contact some of these people and 
find out what what their attitude towards GPL is.


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