Martin Spott wrote:
Erik Hofman wrote:

If they don't redistribute it, then there would be no patch.

"Hello Martin, For the time being, we are going to stick with the 0.9.2 version because it works. The protocol we use is the UDP-based external FDM. We form the structure NetFDM as defined in the FlightGear header net_fdm.hxx and then send it to the UDP socket. We had problems in the past with the way this structure is defined. It changes with each new release of FlightGear and there is no backward compatibility (i.e. a newer version of FG will not accept a NetFDM structure in the older format) Also there is the byte alignment problem - depending on compiler settings, the NetFDM structure will have a different size, and if the size comes out to be different than the one FlightGear expects, the data is rejected."

It might help to give FlightGear a well defined, at least compiler-
(better: platform-) independent NetFDM interface,

Too often companies don't really understand the power of Freeware/Open-Source software. If they don;t like the way the netFDM structure is maintained it is easy to create a network protocol for FlightGear that suits their needs.

If it seems useful enough, chances are the code could even end up in FlightGear.

Maybe it would be a good idea to extend the generic protocol to also accept incoming packages and (if needed) add support for sending binary data. Then it would be as easy as defining your own protocol configuration file and put it in the FlightGear/data/Protocols directory.


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