On Wed, 03 Mar 2004 11:06:57 +0000
David Luff wrote:

> I can think of a number of improvements.  The first, and one which would
> also help the voice output, is that many of the airport names pulled
> automatically from the DAFIF are far too long - for instance "Metropolitan
> Oakland International Tower" should almost certainly be simply "Oakland
> Tower".  I'll go through these and try to manually change as many as
> possible to what seems right - in fact I'll run a script to remove
> "International" from all of them.  Some of them are tricky though - should
> "Brisbane Archerfield" be "Brisbane Tower" or "Archerfield Tower".  I'm
> guessing the latter since there's also a Brisbane International.  What
> about "Burbank Glendale Pasadena" - that could be any of the three!  If
> real life pilots, or those who otherwise know definately, could send me
> corrections for their favourite airports that would be great.  There would
> be a double benefit here - less length of message to read, and less of it
> going off the edge of the screen.

Hi David,

Actually, what pilots are supposed to do, at least in France, is use the
part of the name that is written in bold face on the charts (national
ones). On Jeppesen IFR charts, it looks like we're supposed to use the
name written in slightly larger characters, at the top of the chart,
above the rest of the name of the airport. That should work most of the

Jorge Van Hemelryck

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