Jonathan Richards wrote:

Oi! Somewhere here I've got a stack of Hollerith cards with my first ever program, in Fortran, on it. Not Fortran77, though, because I punched it sometime in 1974.

Yes, I wrote my first programs in Fortran as well -- I was 13 in 1977, and used to sneak into the Queen's University computer centre at night with a, well, borrowed password, to run my card batches. I dropped a big pile of cards on my second visit, giving me my first lesson in the importance of good interfaces.

Later that year my high school got a TRS-80 with BASIC, and I never looked back. Sure, the language was not optimal, but I didn't have any cards to drop and I could write video games for the other kids to play.

> There's still lots of scientific stuff in Fortran.

There's still lots of business stuff in COBOL. Old code never dies: it just becomes someone else's problem.

All the best,


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