Jim Wilson wrote:
> Andy Ross wrote:
> > Also, the property picker is now non-modal, I presume the modality
> > wasn't an intentional feature.
> It either wasn't an option then or something in pui was
> broken...can't remember which.  If it works...great!  That's
> probably been the #1 debugging annoyance, for me anyway.

Me too. :)

As far as I can tell, plib represents modality via typing only.  If
the top-level puObject in a stack is a puPopup, then you get a normal
non-modal window.  If it happens to be a puDialogBox (a subclass of
puPopup), then it behaves modally because it gets special-cased by the
event propagation code.

There is actually no C++ code in the puDialogBox class at all.  It
exists only to be a distinguishable type for the event handler.  This
is, IMHO, a questionable design decision; a boolean flag on puPopup*
would have been much simpler.  As is, I couldn't make modal dialogs
draggable without essentially cutting and pasting code.  (FWIW, it
didn't seem like moving a modal alert dialog was a very important
feature, so I didn't.)


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