
I've done some work on the particle system using the primitives of PLIB. I've also
got some screenshots about my work and Vivian had put them on the web (thank
you again). They are here:




I've however some problems. The first and the second screenshots are made with
the simulator freezed and the only difference is the position of the head of the pilot.
Why the object change their color? (The right texture is the white green). I've a 
problem with the point of view out of the cockpit: the objects, when visible, are red
(the red that appears when the texture it's not loaded, I know because I've already
seen it)? Why this happens? The texture is loaded, but it appears only in the cockpit

Another problem is the "billboarding", I think. When the particle system is created
there's a boolean used to make it a billboard. I've set it to true but seems that the
particles appears only when the POW is directly afore them. I've seen the base code
of the particle system and I've found that to create a billboard it's used the matrix
GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX defined into the OpenGL header. This could be the problem
or this matrix is updated with the current point of view (maybe this question is for 
PLIB develepers, but I make it anyvay)?


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