Curtis L. Olson wrote:
If someone wants to fund me full time to do FlightGear development and project management, I'm certain I could be orders of magnitude more responsive.

add my name to the list ;-)

okay, I'll be updating the tar files for OpenATC field test to enable the security features and data encryption and I'm trying to clean up those make files.  If you are thinking of joining in, you might want to download the tar files and have a go at the build. Boris is also working on a few changes and cleaning up the make.

The net is full of nasty (expletive deleted) looking for opportunities to hack into you system for whatever reason. Since we're not using any sort of versioning or CVS control for this quick and dirty test, you might consider the next point to check you have the correct software.

If you do plan to participate, please look in the TNL library at the netConnection.cpp module at line #778 for two logprintf statements and in the controller and pilot programs around line #455, you should see the following:

        gMasterServerConnection->connect(theInterface, masterAddress, true, true);

the last two boolean arguments turn on the security stuff and at line #307 or so in the RPC m2cArrange ConnectAccepted()

         conn->connectArranged(getInterface(), fullPossibleAddresses, nonce, serverNonce, theSharedData,true, true, true);

The OpenTNL library has a some problems that need work to improve it's portability, but as far as the design. capabilites, and implementation it's about as good as it gets in the open-source world.

John W.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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