On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 17:42:37 +0100, Melchior FRANZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ah, OK. Didn't relate this to the Mac port. At first this looked like
> the classical troll post: go to an application specific forum, tell
> how this app sucks and how others are better (which so far would be
> OK) but then do not describe what exactly are the reasons for this
> conclusion. Yes, fgfs' Mac incarnation may be less than optimal, but
> that's only because the Apple users don't care much for FlightGear. :-)

The goal of a troll is to make people overreact, so staying
reasonable, calm, and polite is always the right choice.

If we assume that a person is not a troll and it turns out that a
person is, then there's little or no real harm done -- we look good
and the troll strikes out.  There's nothing wrong with asking polite,
probing questions, of course (i.e. "what version are you using?", "can
you list the compiler output?", etc.).

If we assume that a person *is* a troll  and it turns out that a
person is not, then we look defensive and immature.  Let's always give
new posters the benefit of a doubt unless they're way over the top
(i.e. "Die @[EMAIL PROTECTED]@% gay commie al quaida scum!!!"), and in such a
case, let's just ignore them.

All the best,



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