"Curtis L. Olson" wrote:

> We all are busy.  Steve is extremely busy.  It doesn't hurt to follow up 
> on these things (more than once if needed.)  If done in a "sensitive" 
> way, you can usually accomplish reasonable things with reasonable people.

I don't think anyone here is attempting to blame Steve for being
extremely busy. The simple question is - trying to get back to the
starting point - if it makes sense to hold back valuable improvement in
FlightGear just because you rely on a scene graph library where you
have to wait several months until 1.) someone is convenient with having
a look at your submission and 2.) this submission _might_ show up in a
I created my private PLIB packages in an attempt to circumvent this
'lock' - until some better solution comes up. These packages carry a
'time stamp' and everyone is free to reference these.

> Perhaps as a direct suggestion to the immediate issue of the crease 
> patch, we should get more FG people onboard as plib contributors with 
> cvs access so we can make direct contributions and get this fixed?

This might be the ultimate solution. Until you/we are there, feel free
to rely on the 'intermediate',

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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