Curtis L. Olson writes:
> Our terrain data comes from SRTM which has a few warts and missing 
> areas.  I haven't started to think about how to blend data to address 
> this.  I was hoping that at somepoint someone would release a "fixed" 
> SRTM based data set.  I haven't heard of anything yet.  For what it's 
> worth there is also problems at one end of the grand canyon, parts of 
> Rhode Island, and often some prominant mountains are cut off too short 
> because the peaks didn't come out right in SRTM.  These problems are 
> extremely tedious (at best to fix by hand) and you need to have a better 
> reference data set to do anything about it.

It looks as if processed SRTM data is becoming available

This is not freely downloadable but is freely redistributable

These are still not 'perfect' but are much better then the 'raw' data 
FGFS currently uses 

Currently only available on CD 70 @ 45  = $ 3,150 US

available soon on DVD  < couple of months >
I am assuming this will be 13 @ 60 $  = $ 780 US


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