On Tuesday 28 December 2004 19:43, Jon S Berndt wrote:
> I've encountered an unexpected problem with the class I have derived
> from EasyXML. In one of the configuration files I have, the following
> lines are present:
>              <function NAME="aero/coefficient/Cndr">
>                  <description>Yaw moment due to rudder</description>
>                  <product>
>                      <property>aero/qbar-psf</property>
>                      <property>metrics/Sw-sqft</property>
>                      <property>metrics/bw-ft</property>
>                      <property>fcs/rudder-pos-rad</property>
>                      <value>-0.043</value>
>                  </product>
>              </function>
> When I parse this construct I find that the last tagged property does
> not get parsed correctly. What happens as the program is actually run
> shows this:
> DATA LINE: ***=>fcs/rudde<=***
>        Parsing property name: fcs/rudde
> FGPropertyManager::GetNode() No node found for fcs/rudde

John, I seem to remember running into similar problems. Have a look at 
src/Traffic/TrafficMgr.cxx in FlightGear for a workaround. IIRC, easyxml 
reads the data in blocks, and at the border between two blocks you need to 
merge the data yourselves. Or something like that. It's been a while since I 
wrote that, so my memory is a bit rusty. 


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