Paul Surgeon wrote:

> I need the paths to :
> 1. the fgfs binary and
> 2. the fg root (data) path

I'd say /usr/bin/ is a common place for the binaries on Linux
distributions (often used for SuSE- and RedHat-packages). $FG_ROOT
often belongs into /usr/share/FlightGear/ or /usr/lib/FlightGear/ (as
for recent SuSE distributions).
In order to comply with common practice on commercial Unices
(FrameMaker, Acrobat, OpenOffice, Firefox, Fore ATM drivers, Sybase as
examples) I decided to get along with /opt/FlightGear/bin/, .../data/
at least on Solaris and IRIX (and on Linux and FreeBSD as well, in
order to not confuse myself  :-)

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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