Dave Martin said:

> On Thursday 30 Dec 2004 10:34, Erik Hofman wrote:
> > Dave Martin wrote:
> > > As the title says; is there any hope for this.
> > >
> > > I'm working on some fairly detailed instruments which could work nicely
> > > with the light-aircraft in FG but I was wondering if there is any means
> > > for a 'nice' switchable illumination of the faces.
> > >
> > > Can the emmissive properties of a texture be changed 'on the fly'?
> > >
> > > Has anyone got any thoughts on how this can be done as things stand -
> > > rather than just setting the textures to default to high emmissive values
> > > (which precludes 'dark panel' with an electrical failure.
> >
> > It is possible to change the transparency on the fly, so I bet it would
> > be possible (after some code changes) to change the emmissive color also.
> >
> > Erik
> That would be a brilliant solution because then you could just add some 
> emmisive white and red and 'bingo' you've switched the panel lights on :-)
> The other ways I've looked at are using extra polys + textures to switch 
> between emmissive levels but the polycounts get nightmareish (My instruments 
> are already quite poly heavy but they do look nice ;) )
> (says prayers for an understanding developer ;-) )

"Brilliant solution"...nice pun :-)  There were some issues with this but I
can't recall what they were.   It's been on my list.  For the time being I
wouldn't worry about the extra polys too much.  You won't need extra 
textures.  If you them to a small number, which they would be anyway, and make
sure either one or the other (lit or non-lit) is selected at any given point
in time, then you won't be hurting frame rate.  My reason for thinking about
adding an "animation" for doing this was the ability to simulate dimming with
a rheostat (0.0-1.0) type switch.

One question for others:  do we have a property path for light switches (or
other types of switches)?  If not, maybe this is a good time to establish a 



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