On Sunday 16 Jan 2005 09:34, Christian Mayer wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Curtis L. Olson schrieb:
> > I did another round with google adds today and here's what I've come up
> > with which seems (to me) like it could work out.
> >
> > 1. No adds at all on the main/front page of our site.  Adds only on the
> > subpages.
> Sounds fair
> > 2. I've had mixed results filtering out MSFS stuff, but that's mostly
> > because there is a lot of it.  I think if I continue to add sites to the
> > filter rules, I can get most of them.
> I've looked at the different pages. The ads are mostly the same - and of
> good quality (i.e. no advertising for other sims; the ads are for
> interesting stuff)
> The only ad I didn't like was
>   www.ebay.de "PC and video games can be found here cheaply"
> reasons:
> - - if I want to visit ebay I'll do it directly, so the ad is taking away
>   space
> - - at ebay you'll find MSFS and not flightgear...
> - - personally I don't line their aggressive marketing policy (they
>   tolerate search engine spamming; probably they are supporting it even)


Lets flood ebay with FGFS cds ;-)

Dave Martin

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