I forgot to tell you, i also manulay edited system.fgfsrc and deleted
the lines with httpd & jpg_httpd....


On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 19:06:49 +0200, Ioan Suciu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had installed flight gear 0.9.6, and i was playng around with optins.
> In Network panel, i had checked httpd and jpg-httpd on diferent ports,
> but when i try to start flightgear an error occurs:
> Config file parse error: E:/Program Files/FlightGear/data/system.fgfsrc 
> '--jpg_h
> ttpd=5502'
> i had uninstaled and reinstalled  angian FG but i can't uncheck
> jpg_httpd..then i had uninstalled and then searched and  deleted al
> files that i found related to FG, i had scaned the registers and
> delete eneithing... and then i had installed 0.9.8 but the problem
> persist.
> I sent this mail to devel list becose seems to be a bug.
> I'm runing XP pro.. on AMD XP 1800+ with 256Mb ram.. & Linux Slackware
> 10 an tha same machine  (i didn't tryed this "bug" in linux, i was
> afraid to ruin that FG copy to ;) ).
> IS

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