On Tue, 2005-05-03 at 13:26 +0200, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> * Paul Furber -- Tuesday 03 May 2005 12:50:
> > it's just the Himalayas region which doesn't work. (doesn't work on 0.9.8
> > either) I'm running CVS versions from last night on amd64 Gentoo Linux.
> > Any ideas?
> No. If you had posted a command line that exposes the problem, *hundreds*
> of fgfs developers would have tried to reproduce it, and maybe would have
> been able to reproduce it and to find a solution. But so ...

*Smacks forehead* - ask smart questions idiot! Sorry about that - I'll
be more informative in future :)

> Try adding --log-level=info for a possible hint, 

./fgfs --lat=87 --long=28 --altitude=30000 --log-level=info 

seems to initialise everything, including the splash screen, then gets
stuck in the terrain loading. I get thousands of:
        no terrain intersection
messages interspersed with:

Updating Sun position
  Gst = 0.824526
    t->cur_time = 1115114851
    Sun Geodetic lat = 0.275179 Geocentric lat = 0.273428
sun angle relative to current location = 1.24501
  Updating Moon position
    t->cur_time = 1115114851
    Moon Geodetic lat = -0.184198 Geocentric lat = -0.182992
moon angle relative to current location = 1.7246
Updating light parameters.
  Sun angle = 71.3338
  ambient = 0.2  diffuse = 0.968597  specular = 0.5  sky = 0.953064

Corrupt scenery data perhaps?
ex tenebris lux, ex fenestris tux

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