On Wed, 11 May 2005 13:46:08 -0500, Curtis wrote in message 

> Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> >On Wed, 11 May 2005 16:49:19 +0100, David wrote in message 
> >
> > > Airfields which still exist but are now disused can be submitted
> > > to Robin - there's some of those already.  OTOH I'm not sure if
> > > TerraGear currently builds them or not.  Airfields that don't
> > > physically exist >anymore might be more problematic - I don't
> > > think he'd want to include those!  It's not *that* hard to rebuild
> > > a few tiles of custom scenery oneself though.
> >
> > ..treat these fields the same way we treat the WTC Twin Towers, 
> > "axe'em down on 9/11/2001."
> Hmmm, I sure any insenstivity here was not intentional, but
> occasionally  it doesn't hurt to think before you speak.  There have
> been many far  worse tragedies before 9/11 and after.  Earthquakes,
> tsunamis, wars,  approximately 8000 people die each day from aids
> related illnesses ...   But still, 3000 innocent people died on that
> day.  I have some close up  pictures of people falling from the
> building after they've jumped.  I  have a picture of scores of people
> hanging out the windows from above  the impact area, smoke rising
> around them, desperately searching for  help that would never come. 
> These pictures were never published in the  media that I'm aware of
> because they were "too graphic," but I think  perhaps they should have
> been so people would have a better idea of the  magnitude of just what
> happened.  This had and has a great affect on a  great many people. 
> My wife went and volunteered to help the  firefighters and
> construction workers who put their lives on hold for  many months
> during the recovery effort.  Someone there gave her a small  container
> of sand from the site that still smelled of jet fuel.  I don't  really
> care personally about the twin towers themselves ... there were  just
> two big buildings, but the event and the people that died there  need
> to be treated with the *utmost* respect.

..agreed, having blown off steam later in this thread, I advice watching
out for post traumatic stress syndrom symptoms, this shit may hit you,
your wife, kids, etc again, at some later stage in life, people usually
learn this on top of some other shit happening.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;o)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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