Vivian Meazza writes:
> Andy Ross wrote:
> > 
> > Erik Hofman wrote:
> > > Norman Vine wrote:
> > > > FWIW I think these apply here
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > These two contradict (You can't offend them but they can offend you).
> > > It's a nice document on how to approach a three year old though.
> > 
> > It's actually a pretty good guide.  The problem is I don't know how I
> > could have followed it any better.  I mean, I *am* the hacker type ESR
> > is talking about.
> > 
> > The was, IMHO, a fantasy bug report:
> > 
> > + A symptom so painfully obvious that no technical knowlege is
> >   required to see it (1.6 seconds vs. 26 seconds run time)
> > + Simple example code
> > + Easily reproduced within a few commands
> > + Requires no external dependencies (just gcc and the mingw libraries)
> > + And a real world use case (us!) for why it's important that it be
> >   fixed.
> > 
> > To turn it around: could you imaging me responding to this bug report:
> > 
> >   "Here's a simple Nasal script that reduces my FPS to 2-3."
> > 
> > with:
> > 
> >   "If it is really important to you, you should try to fix it rather
> >    than posting here and trying to get lucky." (pretty much exactly
> >    Chris's words).
> > 
> > I mean, sometimes I'm lazy or forget stuff, but I'm generally pretty
> > good about admitting when a bug is a bug.  That's my *job* as a
> > developer.  Who does that job for cygwin?
> > 
> Well, that all generated more heat than light! I almost wish I hadn't set
> the hare running.
> I have never seen anyone react quite like this Faylor chap, from which I
> suppose:
> A. He already knew he has a problem with Cygwin's speed.
> B. He doesn't know how to fix it.
> C. We're unlikely to see it sorted any time soon.
> I'm more than willing to be proven wrong.
> Meanwhile, thanks to Andy for daring to enter the lion's den :-)

Cygwin is a bit of a lions den in that it has a *huge* user base.

Again I point folks to

And FWIW I think y'all are selling Chris short :-)

I know it is easy to snipe off list but really :-)


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