Christian Mayer wrote:
> You have to use the I/O manipulators (Stroustrup:, page 633ff.)
> like std::setprecision().
> Compared to the fast printf syntax they are too annoying to write and
> not that flexible, but they are more readable and they can be combined
> to your own user defined I/O manipulators. So you can write easily very
> readable code without the need to retype everything.

Just to add fuel to the fire, I will point out that this is a
theoretical result.  I've never once seen a complex iostream usage
that I considered "readable".

Formatting text is a solved problem; programmers know what they want,
and they want printf.  C++ tried to get fancy, and failed.  Much of
the same can be said for the STL; 90% of developers are never going to
care about pluggable algorithms, but 100% of them want a simple hash
table.  Guess which they got?


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