
I'm currently working on two panels to eumulate a Piper Seminole and a Piper 
Seneca (both piston twins). I already managed to build a few things:
There is an old-fashioned analog utc-clock, a RMI with two needles for ADF and 
VOR, a radar altimeter (like the King KRA-10A), some engine instruments, a 
Piper-style manifold gauge with two needles (this is the non turbo type) and 
a bunch of switches. All the other instruments are from the flightgear-stock.

Work in progress is the radar altimeter and here comes my first question:
The needle is bound to the /position/altitude-agl-ft property with a rotation 
transformation and a interpolation table which works pretty good. Is it 
possible to feed the result of the tranformations thru a lowpass? The reason 
is: if the height above ground is less than 20 feet, the needle moves 
clockwise out of sight (behind the 2500 feet mark) and if I implement this 
with the interpolation table, the needles just disappeares instead of moving 
more or less quickly out of view.

How should the files be organized? All xml files in Aircraft/Instruments and 
all textures in Aircraft/Instruments/Textures or whould it be better to sort 
the files e.g. all files related to the KRA-10A go into 
Aircraft/Instruments/KRA10 (which I prefer)?

Cheers, Torsten

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