Le mardi 02 août 2005 à 09:53 -0700, Andy Ross a écrit :
> Gerard Robin wrote:
> > Being Nvidia and X installed , i continu to search a good answer :
> > After many experimentations, I did not notice any change between
> > 24bpp and 32 bpp.
> There is no difference between 24 and 32 bpp on NVidia hardware.  Both
> of them give you a 32 bit 8:8:8:8 RGBA front and backbuffer, a 32 bit
> Z depth and (now) an 8 bit stencil buffer, for a grand total of 104
> "real" bits per pixel.
> You can inspect the list of OpenGL visuals available using the
> "glxinfo" command line tool if you like.  The real choice underneath
> the (glut or SDL) abstraction layer is much more complicated than a
> single number.
> The reason that this suddenly breaks with the new drivers is that the
> new drivers have a new feature: they can now support 16 bit color
> buffers even when the desktop is at 32bpp.  But these 16 bit modes do
> *not* support 8 bit stencil, which is required for the shadow
> implementation.  So it used to by that when FlightGear asked for a
> "16bpp stencil" framebuffer on a 32bpp desktop, it got a 32 bit mode
> anyway.  But now, the driver can actually fulfill the request, so it
> provides a mode that won't work with shadows.
> FlightGear asks for a default color depth of 16bpp, but it also asks
> for stencil; this is essentially a bug.  These are not compatible
> requests on any modern GPUs, which only support 8 bit stencil in true
> color modes.
> Andy
Many Thanks, i begin to understand :=)


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