George Patterson wrote:

Could you test the latest version in CVS, there was some restructuring of this code and I think this is solved now.

Erik, I hate to to say it but "No cigar", same problem, same errors :-/

I'm not quiet sure what changed.

George Patterson

In simgear/source/simgear/misc/stdint.hhx:

---- old ---
#if (SIZEOF_LONG_INT == 8)
inline void sgEndianSwap(unsigned long int *x) { *x = sg_bswap_64(*x); }
inline void sgEndianSwap(unsigned long long *x) { *x = sg_bswap_64(*x); }
--- old ---

should be changed to

--- new ---
inline void sgEndianSwap(uint64_t *x) { *x = sg_bswap_64(*x); }
--- new ---

the same applies to:

inline void sgEndianSwap(unsigned short *x) { ulEndianSwap(x); }
inline void sgEndianSwap(unsigned int *x) { ulEndianSwap(x); }

which should be:

inline void sgEndianSwap(uint16_t *x) { ulEndianSwap(x); }
inline void sgEndianSwap(uint32_t *x) { ulEndianSwap(x); }


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