"Ampere K. Hardraade" wrote:

> I have seen airport diagrams in PDF format for airports in countries other 
> than the US.  For example:
> http://www.sia.aviation-civile.gouv.fr/[...]

This is correct, the French approach is very progressive, as is the
Danish (http://www.slv.dk/Dokumenter/dscgi/ds.py/View/Collection-618),
but we have to face the fact that most countries don't offer this
service. Anyway nobody prevents you to convert these charts and load
the resulting bitmaps into TaxiDraw as a background image.

It is no problem at all to convert a PDF into any other vector format
but I've found it very difficult to define charcteristics that
automagically can tell between runways, taxiways and other objects that
happen to be part of the chart. You always have to spend significant
manual effort to separate the data we need.
On the other hand it might be worthwhile to spend this effort once we
have a means to reliably convert airport layouts back and forth between
vector layout and X-Plane format.

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