Jim Campbell wrote:
> Anyone transmitting un-encrypted data across a world wide
> internet needs to think ahead a little. Every hacker will be
> rubbing their hands with glee before trying to hit you on these
> ports you have just announced.
> [...]

This really isn't much of an issue.  The attack you posit is requires
a man in the middle, and this is a very rare failure mode -- it
essentially requires a compromised router somewhere between the client
and server.  It's very much not a script kiddy kind of attack; the
"announcement" you mention requires elaborate preparation and a
special case vulnerability to detect.

> Maybe I am paranoid (well known for it in my previous job!) but
> a denial-of-service attack on your multi-player ports will soon
> wreck your response times!

No one is going to care about DoSing a single FlightGear multiplayer
client or server.  There's no payoff there for the attacker.  The
scarier doomsday scenario would be a bug in the MP code (on either
side) allowing an attacker to compromise the affected machines.  But
this is a problem for almost all network software, and can be
productively treated by careful coding.  There's a *lot* of
unencrypted UDP software out there.

If you *really* want to avoid having unencrypted packets going over
the public internet, you can always do it over an encrypted tunnel
(IPsec, VPN, ppp-over-ssh, etc...)  without changing the current code
at all.


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