Hi All,

I've been spending a bit of time updating the Cessna
182 model.

So far I've done the following
- renamed the files that still were named "c172"
- Updated the textures so the plane no-longer says
"Skyhawk" on the side (which is the designation for
the 172) and has slightly more opaque glass like the
172 model.
- created a 3-D panel based on the existing panel with
hotspots for the models throttle, mixture etc.
- fixed the right aileron problem
- added a propeller vernier control (n/N binding)

I'm hoping to release the patch quite soon, but want
to check some things first.

So far, I've re-used the existing C182 panel, as it is
quite complete. However, when placed within the
cockpit, the yoke sits slightly right of the middle of
the "holy six". I've had a look on the web and have
seen pictures of real c182 panels set up this way to
allow space for a second VOR to the left of the radio
stack, but I don't know how common this is.

Should I re-arrange the panel to make the holy-six in
line with the yoke or leave as-is? Does anyone have an
idea what a "standard" C-182 panel looks like? 

Unfortunately the cessna website only shows the
glass-cockpit version.

Related to this, the cockpit viewpoint is part way
between the pilot's seat and the center-line of the
aircraft. Presumably this makes flying the simulator
easier (and I think the C172 is the same). Would
people prefer the viewpoint to be shifted to a more
"correct" location?


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