> From: "Innis Cunningham"
> Hi All
> Now that I have been converted to 3D instrument making
> I am wundering if we should start an instrument repository
> like we have for the Aircraft and Scenery.This way a panel
> could be built quite quickly as people would not have to
> start from scratch every time.

There are a few in there already.  While on this subject,  my experience is in 
building a 3D panel you have a lot of little gauage and instrument models that 
end up being duplicates of others with only minor changes and new textures.  
For example you might take an altimiter ac3d file, rename it, change the face 
texture, delete a needle, recalibrate the properties and now you have a 
manifold pressure guage.

I always thought that a great deal more work could be done with 3D instruments 
if it was possible to specify textures in xml configurations similar to the 2D. 
  Now with recent changes to the model animation subsystem I believe we can.  

This means that if we had  a few generic gauge or instrument ac3d models each 
with a collection of needles and knobs (that could be selected by the 
configurer, right in the same model file as the guage or instrument),  one 
could build an instrument or guage strictly with XML and a graphics program 
like gimp, similar to how the 2D panel modeling works.  No AC3D or Blender 

I haven't tried doing this,  but I can't see why it would not work.

Best regards,


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