Shelton D'Cruz wrote:

Hi Curt

The work that Syd has done on the cockpits is *truely magnificant* - you can easily see the love of his work in it. I am extremely grateful and appreciative.

Just to add to this, I just did a quick dusk flight from SFO to SJC in the new Bravo. I think it might have a problem with not enough drag because it doesn't like to slow down, but other than that it's a real joy to fly. With the terrain, the lights on the ground, the sliver of a moon tonight, some puffy clouds, the lingering dusk light in the sky ... and the Bravo looks, sounds, and feels very realistic.

It's kind of funny, because FlightGear time and date is tied to your computer clock, in the summer with the long days I almost never fly at night. Now that we have switched to day light savings time here and the days have grown short, I almost never fly during the day. I had forgotten about some of the nice lighting effects we do. Fred's rotating beacon is really cool, the dusk sky coloring, runway and approach lights, stars, moon with the correct phase, all very nice.

Oh here's a sort of funny story. I'm helping my university with a small UAV projects. One thing we are doing is feeding the UAV location and attitude directly to FG in real time to produce a real time synthetic view from the perspective of the UAV (or any other perspective we want.) Because it is flightgear we can overlay instruments on top of the synthetic view. We were out flying last week and when we were getting things setup, the professor in charge commented that the directional gyro wasn't working on our mini-panel. I thought about it for a second and had to point out that the aircraft was on the ground with the engine off ... no engine means no rpm. No rpm means no vacuum system. No vacuum means no gyro. No gyro means no DG! He was rolling his eyes and commenting that it would be nice if the DG just worked all the time. :-) But what fun would that be?


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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