On November 20, 2005 06:14 pm, Jim Wilson wrote:
> As far as the plane actually taking off with no elevator or flaps, that is
> certainly not normal for something as heavy as a 747.  Maybe with light
> fuel, but still doubtful.  Maybe Andy has an idea on this.
> It is unlikely that the two things you observed are related unless there is
> a large error weight distribution.  Other times I've seen weight location
> problems in YASim configurations it seemed as though the aircraft would
> move around and even pop the nose way up (or down), which is not occuring
> here.
> Best,
> Jim
I think the 747 in FlightGear is a bit tail-heavy.  The pitch of the aircraft 
is VERY sensitive, especially when compared to the roll.  Also, with less 
than 10% fuel, I can get the nose up at 0kts by turning up the throttles to 
full and releasing the parking brakes.


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