Ryan Kellar wrote:

I am new to using FlightGear and am currently working on a project that involves a flight simulator with a Cessna cockpit and a screen that is divided into 3 sections in sort of a wrap around(not fully, but tilted to give a more panoramic view. Each board is displayed using a different projector run by three separate computers. Also, the cockpit controls are being read in as voltages to a separate computer. I am completely new to flight simulation and this software, and have some C++ software experience but never any software hardware integration so I’m a little lost. My questions are is there a way to display a simultaneous panoramic view using the three computers each running an instance of FlightGear and if so, how?

Yes, mutliple displays are well supported in FlightGear. There is a document called README.IO that touches on this. If you need more help, just ask. Note to document writers: this might be a good subject to add to the manual.

Also, how can I go about reading in the cockpit controls(which are now being read as voltage values) into the program to control the airplane?

If your hardware already exists, then this is something you will likely have to figure out on your own. You will need to write some glue code that can read the voltage values and translate them into a control input position. FlightGear uses normalized control input positions so yoke, wheel, rudder pedals, etc. are mapped to [-1, 1]. Throttle, flaps, mixture, etc. are mapped to [0,1]. Once you are able to read in your voltage values and normalize them, it is pretty straightforward to send that data over to FlightGear. It's possible to embed some code into FlightGear, or you could just write a separate application that sends the data to FG over the network.



Curtis Olson        http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
HumanFIRST Program  http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/
FlightGear Project  http://www.flightgear.org
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