Justin Smithies writes:

> Not sure of whos in charge of the ATC but would love to be able to contact 
> tower to take off etc.

Hi Justin,

I wrote most of what currently passes for ATC in FG, certainly most of the 
tower stuff.  I'm afraid that I'm unlikely to implement calling tower for 
take-off in the near future.  I always start off at the end of the runway ready 
to go.  I just can't be bothered with starting on the apron and taxiing out and 
all that - lifes too short, and this is a *flight* sim, after all ;-)  At the 
end of the runway, ready to go, it's a reasonable assumption that one has 
already contacted ATC, and has possibly already been cleared to take-off, so if 
the plane is detected on the runway at ATC init then the state is set as 
cleared to depart, and options presented accordingly (ie. none!, although 
return to airfield, and circuit-relevent options ought to be added.  I *think* 
it tries to detect if you start flying a circuit and will offer the downwind 
call as an option, but won't swear by it.)

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that there's only so much time in the day, 
and *loads* that could be done with the AI/ATC system.  Stuff that adds a 
representative pilot workload in flight, such as better intelligent interaction 
with the AI, the ability to request or be requested to use a different runway 
than the default, IFR ATC vectors and clearances, those are higher priority for 


> P.S Worked out how ATC works flew from dundee to dyce and tower gave me 
> runway 
> to land and said to follow cessna in etc.
> :)

Excellent - I'm glad folk use it :-)  The addition of Festival voice support by 
John/Melchior has made a fantastic difference to it recently, and motivated me 
to move some improvements to it higher up the TODO list.

Cheers - Dave

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