We already triggered Ralf and Ingrid to try to prepare detailed scenery
for the show so that the guests of our booth could fly around over the
local entourage. Now as I realize that much progress has been made
regarding the Scenery Objects Database and that there are lots of
skilled designers out there I'd like to ask kindly if those who have
fun to create new scenery models would consider creating some buildings
that reside in the environment of Wiesbaden. There definitely _are_
lots of significant buildings there so having a few of then to show on
the show would be terribly nice.
Please post your intentions on this list in order to avoid duplicate
effort on certain buildings.

I would like to do some scenery work, but as I don't live in Wiesbaden I
might do some generic models of rhine bridges or Highways. Also I like
to put some AI ships on the rhine. Finally, what do you think about a
Ju-52 in a Linux Tag livery?

I started posting the Wiesbaden Neroturm Tempel to fgfsdb.stockill.org maintainers.

I'd like to have more pictures and dimensions of the relevant buildings in order to build something realistic at all. I'll do some more 3d stuff but that needs more data which I still can't find. Any help?


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