It wasn't a big change. I tried to do minimum damage to the exsting structure.  Have not had a change to look at your new code; however going back to the 0.9.9 release:

plugged in a new engine model for a fan based more on physics and theromdynamics, not perfect but not bad either.

the other changes were in engine.cpp, redid the code so each engine would draw from a specific tank based on a value passed to it from FG through the jsbsim.cxx interface.  Then I did a bit of "fudging" to add efficiency numbers for each engine to vary turbine and compressor performance that can be specified with the .xml file.  Main purpose was to keep the engine gauges from all looking the same and moving in lock step.  That is read in by the propulsion module at init time.

Specifying the tank, cross-feed, boost and plumbing is done over on the sim side which calculates how things are set up, determines which engine draws from which tank, and sends that over to FG and then on to JSBSim.  For the 747 valid values are 0,1,2,3,4 with 0 the center body tank and 1-4 the wing tank.  Sending a value of -1 for the engine represents a starved engine due to a mis-management of the fuel panel. Seeing a -1 for an engine, JSBSim then "zeros" the fuel to the engine.

Hope that helps..
John W.

Jon S. Berndt wrote
The code for JSBSim is in the tar file from MIADC or Scale.  It is not part of the CVS tree or 0.9.9, source is avaialble but not my call to put it in.

Which JSBSim files are changed for the propulsion mods you made?

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