Hi Detlef,

I would like to do some scenery work, but as I don't live in Wiesbaden I
might do some generic models of rhine bridges or Highways. Also I like
to put some AI ships on the rhine. Finally, what do you think about a
Ju-52 in a Linux Tag livery?

I know there is some scenery object development for the "Rhein-Main"
Area on the german flightgear forum at http://www.flight-gear.de.

How are things going with the scenery? Did you already modelled some of those bridges? I am populating the city center with roughly modelled buildings, using aerial pictures as reference, trying to get something similar to reality. It's a pity there's no automated process, but with enough time I will get something acceptable in the next few days. You can look at some screenshots of the undergoing work in flight-gear.de forum (section Allgemeine Diskussionen), maybe we can start putting things together and see how they look.


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