Justin Smithies wrote:
Just a quick question.

I am currently building a diy 737-300 cockpit , and i am going to link all the real switches / lights etc to a pc that will read / write directly from the FG prop tree based on values there. So i take it the way this project is going that there will be switches and inditcators + various variables in the FG prop tree eventually for every instrument / electrical system.

Yes. This is the way... currently i put and read all values from


for example:

/controls/electric/genbuspanel/genoffbus0 (boolean / light)
/controls/electric/genbuspanel/acamps0    (double  / analog cur. meter)
/controls/electric/genbuspanel/gen0       (boolean / switch)

all values are "precalculated" so you don't have to do any calculation or decission making in the panel and simply have to concat the switches, lights and meters with the panel.

cu markus

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