Lee Elliott schrieb:
On Wednesday 15 March 2006 01:47, Georg Vollnhals wrote:
alexis bory schrieb:

I wasn't sure what you actually meant by sensible in the 'nick' axis.

Anyway, cutting to the chase, what are the characteristics that you don't like or think are wrong in the current version? I guess I should mention that I haven't been able to get my joystick working since moving to alsa (j/s port on soundcard) so I can only fly using the mouse or k/b atm, which isn't very representative.

Both the YASim config and the autopilot certainly need more work.

Just a last thought - are you using the cvs version of FG?


Hi Lee,
thank you for your long mail and all those information.
Ok, first I learned it is not JSB but YASim.

Then it is rather difficult to describe for me in English, but I hope you understand

I have the A-10 *trimmed" in a straight and level flight at 250 knts (that should be not too fast). When I try to get the nose a little down I have to move the joystick *a lot* forwards, much more than normally, because the a/c does not follow the steering command - then at last it goes down quick and heavily with the nose and comes up a little, all this happens in a very short time segment and it is like a little "oscillation". Nose up is also with pretty much moving the joystick but without that bad behaviour. It is much more to observe if you have the A-10 not trimmed, but let us first speak about the best status as described above. Further more, if I want to roll the aircraft I have to use a long joystick-way, no bad reactions but I would not expect such a slow roll-rate at this type of aircraft - might be I am wrong.

I updated CVS this morning and compiled as my last compile was some days old but the reactions of the a/c are the same.

I hope you understand what I want to report.


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