Mark wrote:
Hi Rob!

First of all let me thank you for your contribution.
I've been experimenting with textures in FGFS myself for a while and I
know how hard it is to get to such quality textures.
So keep up the good work ;-)

When I had a first look at the textures I initially liked them better
than the default textures.

After that I also shared the opinon of Melchior and Georg about the images.
I specially modified them with increased contrast and other adapitions
which actually made them look worse.
That means more like in MS-FS 2002, which looks unnatural to me.

So being unsatisfied with that, I reverted to the default-set.
It's true that the default textures are sharper and have more contrast,
but I feel your textures do look and mix better after all.

But of course they're not perfect yet. For example the crop textures
don't actually show crop and look more like grassland / prairie.
It could look a bit more like this for southern Germany:

Since I've also been playing with textures, I thought I might also
contribute the better ones I created.
I did use textures from various sources and so it's not possible to
share all of them for copyright reasons.
A source I found very useful is NASA's Website: .

You can find a texture-pack containing my snow, galcier and packice
images here:

I would be happy to see them included in your set ;-)

There is really no need to abandon any good texture, either from me, form Rob or from you. It would be great to create an excellent set from all available sources, no?


BTW. I do have a few other textures ready which I never included due to texture memory restraints and which may be used in conjunction to the others (and yes, they are all based on satellite images):

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