On Mon, 10 Apr 2006 12:01:43 +0100
Steve Hosgood wrote:
> Thanks for the comment Chris. I wrote the RPMs for the 0.9.8 and 0.9.9 
> linux releases on the main server (and am therefore the de facto 
> maintainer of them :-( ).
>  I was planning on doing 0.9.10 as soon as I can. I hadn't been aware
> of any troubles with the existing 0.9.9 though. I tested 0.9.9 on FC2
> and FC4 before releasing and it all seemed OK then. I tend to run FG at
> home on my FC2 machine - my work machine doesn't currently have the
> Nvidia drivers installed for its antique Quadra card.
> Freeglut is not distributed by the Flightgear RPMs, though Flightgear 
> RPMs obviously "requires" it.

Weird.  This guy who came in with the problem had suggested that the
.rpms he downloaded included freeglut.  That struck me as odd, though,
that we'd be distributing freeglut as well; I expect the truth is that
you set a dependancy for it, it gets pulled in during the install, and
he got confused when he saw it installed and figured it was coming from
the FG .rpm(s) or something like that.

> I've got bog standard FC4 and freeglut 
> 2.2.0-16 on my work machine for instance, no sign of freeglut 2.4... 

He was on FC5; maybe they're distributing freeglut 2.4 at this point.

> Flightgear RPM doesn't insist on any particular version of freeglut
> BTW, just whatever is available.
> What's the fix? Insist on only a certain version of Freeglut?

Yeah.  Or go the SDL route.  The problem is that when people try it
and it crashes in this fashion, the majority aren't going to react
with "oh wow, freeglut must be buggy."  They're going to think the
problem is with FG.  It sucks, but that's reality.  The advantage
of the SDL route, I guess, is that if you demand freeglut < 2.4,
there's a chance of a conflict if they have something else
installed which requires freeglut >= 2.4.


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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