Didn't have a chance to look at this until last night.  Anyway, hi Ralf,
cc'ing you to make sure you see it since this'll attach to an old thread
in flightgear-devel.

On Thu, 13 Apr 2006 15:27:11 +0200
Ralf Gerlich wrote:
> Chris Metzler schrieb:
>> hgtchop didn't freak out for me; it was more of a subtle clue that
>> there were problems that manifested themselves later at the end of
>> the chain.  When you run hgtchop on the data and produce the *.arr.gz
>> files, hgtchop prints status info on each tile to the screen.  Does
>> that all look OK?  Mine looked just fine, *except* when it printed
>> the lat/lon of the tile where it was working, there were non-Latin-1
>> characters (non alphanumeric symbols) in there, which occasionally
>> caused beeping (ctrl-g, the keyboard bell) when it tried to print
>> them on the screen.  Otherwise it looked perfectly fine.  But that
>> was the first sign that something was up.
> I have read your mails on terragear-devel but until now nothing of that 
> seemed familiar. Until now.

Well, I did mention this over there earlier, in the second paragraph of:


but however you saw it, I'm very glad, because . . .

> I think the non-latin-characters stem from 
> the fact that HGT.write_area - which is called from hgtchop - writes
> the bucket to cout. SGBucket stores x and y as char. The operator<<
> declared in simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx simply prints that as char.
> Try the attached patch on SimGear.
> If anything else doesn't work, I suspect that it doesn't have anything 
> to do with this.

Bingo!  This not only stopped the odd non-Latin-1 characters to the
screen, but it solved the problem with hgtchop.  I am able to proceed
to the end of the tool chain and build tiles!

The next problem (which I'll post over there):  the cutouts for the
airports place the airports at sea level.


But while I want to get this fixed at some point, right now I'm able
to do what I most need to do, which is review airports I've worked on
in TaxiDraw.

Thanks much!


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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